Forside › Metervarer › Bomuldsstof med mønster Bomuldsstof med mønster Her finder du fastvævet stof med mønster, printet eller indvævet, hvor hoved indholdet i stoffet er bomuld Sorter efter... Pris - stigende Pris - faldende Ældste først Nyeste først Antal solgte Cot Nature Texture 1,40 DKK Miami palm stripe 1,40 DKK Voile batik poison 1,20 DKK Voile batik ice 1,20 DKK Voile batik paisley dark cobalt 1,20 DKK Voile batik paisley violet 1,20 DKK DG colour check 1,40 DKK Cot check blue and lilac 1,20 DKK Cot check lilac 1,20 DKK Cot check orange and salmon 1,20 DKK Zig zag all over 1,40 DKK Piggy Ride 1,80 DKK Fun on the farm 1,80 DKK Walker´s house rose & thistle 1,80 DKK Walker´s house Emery´s Willow russet 1,80 DKK Walker's house Emery's Willow blue 1,80 DKK Walker's house bower 1,80 DKK Walker´s house bird 1,80 DKK Walker´s house trent 1,80 DKK DG mariehøne 1,40 DKK Liberty blue zoo 2,60 DKK Liberty aquarelle flower 2,60 DKK Liberty Douche menage 2,60 DKK Missouri star slush 1,90 DKK Pickle dish black 1,90 DKK Pickle dish red 1,90 DKK Ohio star taupe 1,90 DKK Hunter's star red 1,90 DKK Windham star yellow 1,90 DKK Ocean waves slate 1,90 DKK Nine patch blue 1,90 DKK Nine patch black & white 1,90 DKK Hunter's Star Indigo 1,90 DKK Untamed tooth 1,90 DKK Cotton tale small 1,90 DKK Cotton tale Gry 1,90 DKK Enchanted fairies 1,80 DKK Northern blues gossip screen 1,90 DKK Northern blues mugwort 1,90 DKK Northern blues poppy 1,90 DKK DG flowerfield 1,40 DKK Liberty greenery floral 2,60 DKK FM Ursula poplin 1,60 DKK Canvas Flowers 1,20 DKK Babyfløjl purple flower 1,40 DKK Wild harvest brown 1,99 DKK Wild harvest green 1,99 DKK Land of giants 1,99 DKK Birke skov 1,99 DKK Forest wolf 1,99 DKK Batik forest 1,99 DKK Botanic chart 1,99 DKK Botanic Checkered 1,99 DKK Botanic earth at heart 1,99 DKK Botanic mosaic 1,99 DKK Botanic Helicryhsarn 1,99 DKK Botanic Sienna garden 1,99 DKK Classic red stripe 1,20 DKK Ralph's Creek 1,50 DKK Half herring rose 1,10 DKK Half herring brown 1,10 DKK Celina Bay 1,60 DKK Multi dots 1,20 DKK Gingerbread Christmas 1,20 DKK Classic Christmas Santa 1,20 DKK Nutcracker 1,20 DKK Red gnomes 1,20 DKK Mini køkkentern rød 1,10 DKK Baby toy 1,20 DKK Stars on stars 1,20 DKK Bouquet sand 1,20 DKK Dusty garden 1,20 DKK Mexi stripes 1,20 DKK Hearts 1,20 DKK Klan on tweed 1,20 DKK Bouquet green 1,20 DKK Dark flower field 1,20 DKK Paul shirt 1,50 DKK My favorite flowers 1,90 DKK Olmer stripe 1,50 DKK Classic Halloween poplin 1,20 DKK Sugar Skull poplin 1,20 DKK Colourful pumpkins poplin 1,20 DKK Wild animals 100,00 DKK Leiko Kimya stripe FM 1,50 DKK Sorbet dots red 1,99 DKK Sorbet bubbles dark red 1,99 DKK Sorbet checkered red 1,99 DKK Lawn 1,99 DKK Flames in the dark 1,99 DKK Highlands cows 1,99 DKK Rainbow zippers 1,99 DKK Rainbow sewing 1,99 DKK Rainbow buttons 1,99 DKK Kaffe Fassett sea urchin 1,90 DKK Kaffe Fassett Orange Papaver 1,90 DKK Flonel tern støvet blå 1,60 DKK Denim foil hearts 1,60 DKK Satin Peonies 1,50 DKK Fine pop leaves 1,20 DKK Double gauze stripes grey 1,40 DKK Double gauze stripes light blue 1,40 DKK Double gauze stripes sand 1,40 DKK DG animal skin 1,40 DKK DG hør look wild life 1,50 DKK Small pimpernel green 1,80 DKK Holiday past multi stripe 1,80 DKK Holiday past woodland collage 1,80 DKK Holiday past Lodge multi 1,80 DKK I love ikat 1,99 DKK Petra rabbit 1,90 DKK Flax sand 1,80 DKK Flax dark green 1,80 DKK Beach house star 1,80 DKK Beach house light 1,80 DKK Beach house blue 1,80 DKK Flonel tern sand 1,60 DKK Flonel tern pink 1,60 DKK My Happy Farm by Käselotti 220,00 DKK Melted animal petrol 1,20 DKK Army flowers 1,20 DKK Swirl red 1,90 DKK Red Crosses 1,90 DKK Filigran red 1,90 DKK Flower dash 2,60 DKK London Christine black FM 1,20 DKK London baby blue FM 1,20 DKK Khloe Gedda yellow FM 1,50 DKK Gedda ines blue FM 1,50 DKK Dasha FM 1,50 DKK Christine green stripe FM 1,30 DKK Misty tartan green 1,70 DKK Liberty lavender garden 2,60 DKK Liberty mauve pansy 2,60 DKK Liberty pastel garden 2,60 DKK Dino Vulcano 1,99 DKK Dusty Tractors 1,99 DKK Dusty farm 1,99 DKK Coated cherry cot 1,20 DKK Acu farm petite fruits 2,20 DKK Acu farm happy pigs 2,20 DKK Batik pop Jaya 1,30 DKK Batik pop bali 1,30 DKK Batik pop kalimantan 1,30 DKK Batik pop sulawesi 1,30 DKK Batik pop java 1,30 DKK Batik pop sumatra 1,30 DKK Double gauze aztec aubergine 1,40 DKK Double gauze aztec navy 1,40 DKK Melted animal army green 1,20 DKK Canvas Ornaments 1,20 DKK Fine pop hearts 1,00 DKK Lava pink 170,00 DKK Lava green 170,00 DKK Vintage Strawberries green 1,90 DKK Vintage strawberries pale 1,90 DKK Vintage strawberries bee 1,90 DKK Football Stadium 150,00 DKK Golden Lily autumn wide 3,80 DKK Bird boughs green 1,80 DKK Golden lily dusk 1,80 DKK Walker rose 1,80 DKK Daisy multi 1,80 DKK Honeysuckle aqua 1,80 DKK Barnyard babies rapport 120,00 DKK Rainy hearts rose 1,99 DKK Rainy hearts ecru 1,99 DKK Flower heart red 1,99 DKK Acu Dot Sand 2,20 DKK Acu Dot Green 2,20 DKK Acu Dot Red 2,20 DKK Acu Blomster børn 2,20 DKK Acu House 2,20 DKK Acu Summer fruit 2,20 DKK Acu Farm animals wildlife 2,20 DKK Milky boy dark lime 1,50 DKK Amalie seersucker 1,20 DKK Ramona Red FM 1,20 DKK Kaffe Fassett Grandiose taupe 1,90 DKK Margo flower teal 1,90 DKK Menton 1,90 DKK Margo stripe blue 1,90 DKK Dragon eye 1,99 DKK Kaffe Fassett Grandiose ochre 1,90 DKK Kaffe Fassett Lichen brown 1,90 DKK Liberty Big roses 2,60 DKK Liberty strawberry flowers 2,60 DKK Trentino check 1,40 DKK Marittima 1,50 DKK Monte Pisanu 1,80 DKK Sheepy 1,90 DKK Tree of oranges 1,10 DKK Tree of strawberry 1,10 DKK Délice Turquoise 1,10 DKK Minty Embroidery garden 1,99 DKK Tranquility white 1,80 DKK Tranquility lipstick red 1,80 DKK Tranquility antique green 1,80 DKK Tranquility lime 1,80 DKK Tranquility orange 1,80 DKK 1 2 3 4 5 Næste-->